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2 Views · 11 months ago

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Here is the Full Album Mix from my 4th album ""

Track list:
01. Astrix - Shamanic Tales
02. Astrix - Deep Jungle Walk
03. Astrix - Alien Turned Human
04. Astrix & Ace Ventura - Valley of Stevie
05. Astrix -
06. Astrix & Ritmo - Agate
07. Astrix - Sapana (Album Version)
08. Astrix & Tristan - Awake the Snake
09. Juno Reactor - Conquistador (Astrix Remix)
10. Continuous Mix

Release Note:
Astrix is a unique phenomenon in the trance world, a leading DJ & Producer, who came from the underground psychedelic scene, performing in the biggest festivals and venues, and yet, chose to always stay true to the underground trance movement.
Devoted to his art and a true perfectionist, Astrix is known for his massive hypnotic explosive sets on the dance floor and for his precise detailed production in the studio. Both always laced with tons of feel and musicality. His music has been topping the charts and his albums are considered milestones.
After a long period of hard work, Astrix 4th studio album – HE.ART is out. This unique masterpiece is like taking a journey into Astrix cosmic world with the tracks leading you through the plot.
The album includes original tracks and collaborations with Ace Ventura, Ritmo, Tristan and a magical remix for Juno Reactor.
Released on Hommega Productions.

Also check out:
Astrix @ Boom Festival 2018 (Full Set Movie):

The only official Astrix & Shamanic Tales Merch Shop:

Follow Astrix:

Astrix has been one of the leading PsyTrance producers & DJs in the world for more than a decade, carrying his musical message of psychedelic emotional uplifting trance to every corner of the world, to huge festivals (EDC, Burning Man, Tomorrowland, Ozora, Universo Paralello, XXXperience), to the biggest urban clubs & underground events.

Devoted to his art and a true perfectionist, Astrix is known for his massive hypnotic explosive sets on the dancefloor & for his precise detailed production in the studio. Both always laced with tons of feel & musicality. His music has been topping the charts and his albums are considered milestones.

His debut album ‘Eye to Eye’, defined him as a trance music anthems producer and was followed by succesful albums Artcore, Red Means Distortion & other compilations and EPs.

Astrix fourth studio album, “” was released on February 2016.

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3 Views · 11 months ago

Benefits of Time-Restricted Feeding. How to get started with intermittent fasting and time restricted feeding
In this Livestream, Mike Cola will go over what the difference is between Intermittent Fasting and Time-Restricted Feeding along with all the health and weight loss benefits. Plus, a Q&A on all your fitness, health, and weight loss questions.


👍 You can work with Mike Cola online to lose weight, build muscle and improve your health.

🔴 60-minute Individualized Health and Fitness Consulting with Mike Cola.

🟡 Lose Up to 20 Pounds in Four Weeks with my: 4-Week Low Carb Intermittent Fasting Course

🔵 30 Day Online Wellness and Fitness Coaching with Mike Cola

Some YouTube channels I mentioned in the Livestream
📌Andrew Huberman
📌Peter Attia MD
📌 Dr Satchin Panda

#intermittentfasting #timerestrictedfeeding

8 Views · 11 months ago

Dr. Robert Cwyes has been a practicing physician since 1987. He did his PHD on the glycemic index, and he discovered that transplanted livers did very poorly when pumped full of sugar (at the time, it was thought more sugar was better when it came to liver function.)

In our interview, Dr. Cwyes explains how the body will not let us overeat protein and saturated fat (when consumed in their natural states) due to complex feedback mechanisms. Unfortunately, when it comes to carbohydrates, we do not have good feedback mechanisms to prevent us from overeating.

We discuss how dangerous the erroneous views around carbohydrates have become for the general public, and we dive into carbohydrate addiction and emotional management skills.

You can follow Dr. Robert Cywes @CarbAddictionDoc
Check out his Youtube:

You can follow me on Instagram @runeatmeatrepeat
Please feel free to comment (respectfully) below:

4 Views · 11 months ago


A33 - drunter oder drüber - GC2BP23
"No Limit´s" B&B VI - GC2N70F
Ein Steinbruch für Zwischendurch- GC295BP

🎵Verwendete Musik: ES_Cause I Am Coming Home (Adua Blaize Remix) - Duty Division, ES_Chelsea Harbour - Yellowbase, ES_Oh My God - Birgersson Lundberg, ES_On The Knife - Future Joust

T5 YouTuber denen ich folge:
Dietrich Beck
Dr. Taylor

4 Views · 11 months ago

In this 2 part series of videos, I describe in detail the connection between mouth breathing, forward head posture, and TMJ Disorders. In Part 1 (this video), I focus more on mouth breathing and tongue posture to set the foundation for the rest of the information. Please be sure to watch and stay tuned for Part 2!

If you're unfamiliar with TMJD, common symptoms include: jaw joint noises - clicking, popping, crackling, snapping, episodes of the jaw locking, headaches, jaw pain, tooth pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, specific tooth pain, ear pain, vertigo, stuffy ears, and MORE!


"Breath" by James Nestor:

PDF - “3 Steps to TMJ(D) Relief”:

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Tongue Tie, Airway, and TMJ Disorders

What is a Tongue Tie?

Nasal Breathing vs Mouth Breathing
Other links:
#mouthbreathing #tmjorthotic #tmjorthotic #tmjd #aqualizer #breath #jawlocked #jawpopping #clickingjaw #forwardheadposture
This channel is all about TMJ disorders - what they are, how they manifest, what to do about them and how they relate to other issues that may be going unnoticed in the body such as tongue tie, sleep apnea, ADHD, and more! Thank you and I hope you enjoy my videos!

4 Views · 11 months ago

Stephen Porges comes to Bulletproof Radio to share his pioneering research on the vagus nerve, how the cues it receives play a major role in stress, social behavior and the nervous system and some tips on how to improve its response.

Dr. Porges is a Distinguished University Scientist at Indiana University where he directs the Trauma Research Center in the Kinsey Institute. He is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he directed the Brain-Body Center in the Department of Psychiatry, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Maryland, where he chaired the Department of Human Development and directed the Institute for Child Study. In 1994 he proposed the Polyvagal Theory, a theory that links the evolution of the mammalian autonomic nervous system to social behavior and emphasizes the importance of physiological state in the expression of behavioral problems and psychiatric disorders.

Enjoy the show!

Featured -
A selection of Dr. Porges publications -
Talks by Dr. Porges on Youtube -
Polyvagal Theory -
Autonomic nervous system -
Neuroception -
Hypoxia -
Phylogenetics -
Vagus nerve -
Heart rate variability -
Vagal tone -
Apnea -
Bradycardia -
Homeostatic functions -
Nucleus ambiguus -
Myelination -
Myelinated vagus nerve -
Pranayama yoga -
Cranial nerve 5 -
Cranial nerve 7 -
Dr. Sue Carter -
Dr. Lana -
Health registry database in Nordic countries -
HIV’s impact on vagal recognition -
Ventral vagal state - http://reichandlowentherapy.or....g/Content/Vegetative
The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education
On Combat -
Neuroception -
Heart rate variability training -
HeartMath Institute -
Bulletproof Road Map -
Bulletproof Cookbook -

4 Views · 11 months ago

Nearly every other year the transistors that power silicon computer chip shrink in size by half and double in performance, enabling our devices to become more mobile and accessible. But what happens when these components can't get any smaller? George Tulevski researches the unseen and untapped world of nanomaterials. His current work: developing chemical processes to compel billions of carbon nanotubes to assemble themselves into the patterns needed to build circuits, much the same way natural organisms build intricate, diverse and elegant structures. Could they hold the secret to the next generation of computing?

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at

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4 Views · 11 months ago

This animation is available for instant download licensing here:
©Alila Medical Media. All rights reserved.
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Perfect for patient education.
All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a common chronic pain disorder that can affect various parts of the body. Myofascial pain syndrome is characterized by presence of hyperirritable spots located in skeletal muscle called trigger points. A trigger point can be felt as a band or a nodule of muscle with harder than normal consistency. Palpation of trigger points may elicit pain in a different area of the body. This is called referred pain. Referred pain makes diagnosis difficult as the pain mimics symptoms of more well-known common conditions. For example, trigger point related pain in the head and neck region may manifest as tension headache, temporomandibular joint pain, eye pain, or tinnitus.
Symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome include regional, persistent pain, commonly associated with limited range of motion of the affected muscle. The pain is most frequently found in the head, neck, shoulders, extremities, and lower back.
Trigger points are developed as a result of muscle injury. This can be acute trauma caused by sport injury, accident, or chronic muscle overuse brought by repetitive occupational activities, emotional stress or poor posture. A trigger point is composed of many contraction knots where individual muscle fibers contract and cannot relax. These fibers make the muscle shorter and constitute a taut band -- a group of tense muscle fibers extending from the trigger point to muscle attachment. The sustained contraction of muscle sarcomeres compresses local blood supply, resulting in energy shortage of the area. This metabolic crisis activates pain receptors, generating a regional pain pattern that follows a specific nerve passage. The pain patterns are therefore consistent and are well documented for various muscles.
Treatment of myofascial pain syndrome aims to release trigger points and return the affected muscle to original length and strength. Common treatment options include:
- Manual therapy, such as massage, involves application of certain amount of pressure to release trigger points. The outcome of manual therapy strongly depends on the skill level of the therapist.
- The Spray and Stretch technique makes use of a vapor coolant to quickly decrease skin temperature while passively stretching the target muscle. A sudden drop in skin temperature provides a pain relief effect, allowing the muscle to fully stretch, and thus releasing the trigger points.
- Trigger point injections with saline, local anesthetics or steroids are well accepted as effective treatments for myofascial trigger points.
- Dry needling -- insertion of a needle without injecting any solution - is reported to be as effective as injections.

3 Views · 11 months ago

Thanks for watching! I love capturing the wisdom from the older generation, and Epsie is no exception. Avoiding kidney dialysis was her goal, but several other benefits came with the diet that she wanted to share.

Epsie’s Favorite YouTubers:

Dr. Eric Westman:

Dr. Jason Fung:

Dr. Eric Berg, DO:

Dr. Dominic D’Agostino: I could not find his personal youtube, it looks like he’s just been interviewed several times, so this is one of the links:

6 Views · 11 months ago

My dear Conscious Money Makers!
Today I share with you my 3 top tips to thrive in this environment. AND here are the links to the experts behind them,
- Nutrition:
- Breathing technique that has changed my life:

My goal with this channel is to accelerate the emergence of the heart centered economy. I envision a more human and humane future in which business will become a force for good. I want to empower heart centered people to build the financial power that will allow them to not only sit at decision making tables, but also influence their outcomes. This is an investment in your growth.
Wishing you a wonderful day and life!


#femaleentrepreneurship #moneymindset #abundance #business #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #womenempowerment #entrepreneurship #moneywounds #fearofsuccess #moneymastery #consciousmoney #women #money


13 Views · 11 months ago

This video explains how I used a Keto diet plan and Intermittent Fasting, to accomplish my goals. With a few plateaus thrown in for good measure.

Be sure to Subscribe for up to date news and info from me:

Dr. Boz - Ketones

For info about the Gentler way to stick your fingers, or other body parts:

Dr. Eric Berg - 'Practical Keto'

Dr. Jason Fung - Fasting Advice

4 Views · 11 months ago

Click here to learn more about treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome:

Trigger points are caused by muscle injury. Muscles can be injured suddenly in accidents, or damage can occur slowly, due to repeated movements or poor posture. A muscle is composed of tiny fibers, which contract and relax in response to messages from the brain.

When muscle fibers become injured or over stimulated, they cannot relax and form contraction knots. A trigger point consists of many contraction knots, where individual muscle fibers contract and cannot relax. Fibers, extending from the trigger point to the muscle attachments shorten, and form a tight band.

The persistent contraction of muscle fibers compresses blood vessels and decreases their blood supply, leading to oxygen starvation and the accumulation of waste products. This irritates nerves and causes pain. Activated pain receptors generate specific referred pain patterns, depending on nerve passage and muscle anatomy.

3 Views · 11 months ago

Purchase a license to download a non-watermarked copy of this video here:

©Alila Medical Media. All rights reserved.
Support us on Patreon and get FREE downloads and other great rewards:

All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

The temporomandibular joint – the TMJ - is the joint between the lower jawbone - the mandible - and the temporal bone of the skull. The TMJ is responsible for jaw movement and enables chewing, talking and yawning. Temporomandibular disorders, or TMD, refer to a group of conditions characterized by pain in the jaw area and limited movement of the mandible. TMD may be caused by problems in the joint itself or in the muscles surrounding the joint. Problems in the joint include: arthritis, inflammation and internal derangements. When the problem is in the muscles, the condition is called myofascial pain syndrome.
Myofascial pain syndrome is very common and can occur in patients with a normal temporomandibular joint. The syndrome is characterized by presence of hyperirritable spots located in skeletal muscles called trigger points. A trigger point can be felt as a nodule of muscle with harder than normal consistency. Palpation of trigger points may elicit pain in a different location. This is called referred pain.
Trigger points are developed as a result of muscle overuse. Commonly, the muscles of chewing, or mastication, are overworked when patients excessively clench or grind their teeth unconsciously during sleep. The medical term for this condition is “nocturnal bruxism”. A trigger point is composed of many contraction knots where individual muscle fibers contract and cannot relax. The sustained contraction of muscle sarcomeres compresses local blood supply, resulting in energy shortage of the area. This metabolic crisis activates pain receptors, generating a regional pain pattern that follows a specific nerve passage. The pain patterns are therefore consistent and are well documented for various muscles.
Trigger points in the masseter refer pain to the cheeks, lower jaw, upper and lower molar teeth, eyebrow, inside the ear and around the TMJ area. Trigger points in the temporalis are also associated with headache and toothache from upper teeth. The main culprits of myofascial pain in the TMJ area are the pterygoid muscles. Trigger points in medial pterygoid refer pain to the TMJ region in front of the ear, inside the mouth and upper outside of the neck. They may also manifest as sore throat and difficulty swallowing. Pain from lateral pterygoid trigger points can be felt in front of the ear and on the upper jaw.
Treatments aim to address bruxism, to relieve muscle spasm and release trigger points. Treatment options include:
- Therapies: stress management, behavior therapy, biofeedback - to encourage relaxation.
- Dental night guards: Splints and mouth guards - to protect the teeth from damage.
- Medication: pain relievers, muscle relaxants, botox injections.
- Trigger points release techniques such as needling and “spray and stretch”.

4 Views · 11 months ago

Foods for Kidney Stone Treatment and Prevention | Myth vs Fact | The Cooking Doc®

Have you heard about certain foods for kidney stone treatment and prevention? If you've had kidney stones and googled kidney stone treatment and prevention, then I am sure you've already read about a lot of them.

Olive oil to grease the ureters so you can pass kidney stones. Drinking a lot of beer to treat kidney stones. Avoiding high oxalate teas to prevent kidney stones. Using lemon to treat kidney stones. What about limiting your calcium to keep calcium stones from forming?

Some of these are half-truths. Some of these are total myths. The important thing is that you consult with a doctor or a medical expert when figuring out what to believe when you search for information on the internet.

Content Chapters:
00:00 - Introduction
00:42 - Kidney Stone Myth vs Fact
02:25 - Does Beer Dissolve Kidney Stones?
03:27 - Does Lemon Juice Cure Kidney Stones?
05:40 - Will Drinking Tea Increase the Risk for Kidney Stones?
06:55 - Can Eating Less Calcium Help Prevent Stones?
07:34 - Does Olive Oil Help Pass Kidney Stones?
07:55 - Conclusion

Remember to subscribe today:

New Book Available: The Cooking Doc's Kidney-Healthy Cooking. E-book and paperback available for purchase here:

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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote health and wellness. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

3 Views · 11 months ago

I Have a Dream" is a public speech that was delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, in which he called for civil and economic rights and an end to racism in the United States. Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., the speech was a defining moment of the civil rights movement and among the most iconic speeches in American history.

Under the applicable copyright laws, the speech will remain under copyright in the United States until 70 years after King's death, through 2038.

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If needed full video with proper sync and no subtitle
Get here 👉

4 Views · 11 months ago

The Four Minute Workout is a new concept of exercise that revolves around the body’s ability to use Nitric Oxide for muscle growth. This is an efficient anaerobic workout that can be done multiple times per day. The more frequently you do it, the better your results.

Nitric Oxide is a molecule made by the human body that feeds your muscles. When you start to exercise and run out of oxygen (you feel your muscles ache), Nitric Oxide is released. As it moves downstream, blood vessels dilate allowing more oxygen and nutrient delivery for muscle growth.

Our blood vessels actually only store about 90 seconds worth of Nitric Oxide before they need to manufacture more, so working each major muscle group out for 90 seconds gives you the most efficient workout to tone and build muscles.

The body has the ability to regenerate Nitric Oxide every couple of hours, giving you the opportunity to release it multiple times a day. What that means is the most effective way to increase your muscle function is to work out very briefly every few hours.

The Four Minute Workout can be completed multiple times per day no matter where you are, who you’re with, or what you’re wearing. In just four minutes you exercise the 16 largest muscle groups in your body. It is free, easy, effective, and the best way to start toning your body systems.


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