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3 Views · 5 months ago

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#Islam #Muslim #Quran

3 Views · 5 months ago

(Your Contribution Will Help Us Grow Further) in Sha Allah

We the team of Muslim Speakers welcome you to our family. Dear brothers and sisters, through this youtube channel, together we can help each other to get closer to our deen. Without any judgments and ill feelings towards any creature of Allah, let's plunge into the wide sea of knowledge and make our lives better. Dear friends in Islam, let's invite all to the word of Allah. Let's share the good things and be a source of light for someone.

#muslimspeakers #islam #sheikhuthman #fariqnaik #ahmeddeedat #zakirnaik #yusufestes #quran #allah #muslim #drzakirnaik #malaysia #world #palestine #prophetmuhammad #love #peace #zakir #naik #hijab #instagram #facebook #twitter #socialmedia #threads #proudmuslim #muslimmen #media #hadith #muftimenk

3 Views · 5 months ago

Sama2 Kita belajar skill mengendalikan jentera backhoe loader. Jangan lupa subscribe, share, like dan tekan butang loceng 😄, Dan terima kasih pada yg subscribe, share, like Dan tekan butang loceng.

3 Views · 5 months ago

When I first started my business I made a lot of mistakes. Like Buying all NEW equipment. Trucks, excavators, backhoes, skid steers- Because I seen every body else doing it. Now-My priority is People. I realized it was the people that made my business thrive. Business's fail to invest in their people. They Don't succeed Because they buy new Equipment without A great team. A good team will deliver amazing results-even if your equipment is NOT brand new. I stopped buying new equipment & started investing in my people and it changed everything. People are the most important asset in your company. Your team builds your dream. But many people buy brand new equipment thinking thats the answer. I made a Bad choice early on- I bought all new equipment- financed myself to the brink. That was the wrong move. Then I paid off all the excavators(5 brand new ones), dump trucks(5), skid loaders(17) etc etc and started investing into acquiring an amazing team. I would never go back. Every year I have a decision-do I buy some new piece of heavy equipment-or give back to my team. you figure that one out....Don't let the idgets in youtube land steer you wrong.
Heres the best prices on Some of my favorite Amazon tools:

Dewalt concrete saw:

Fiskars axe:
Gear wrench Speaker:

Makita Power shaft Multitool: strap:

Milwaukee heated coat:

10% off Kujo shoes here:

Diablo Metal cutting blade:

ISO tunes

Milwaukeetools Air Compressor

Winter equipment-Best cutting edge ever:

Igloo trailmate:

Ego snow blower:

Crescent wrench pass through socket set:

Milwaukeetool packout:

Striker trilight:
Bosch impact set:
3m work tunes:

Makita Chainsaw:
Dewalt mitre saw:

3 Views · 5 months ago

We depend on agriculture for healthy, safe, and nutritious food, but current production risks depleting and damaging the natural resources it depends on. The sector must also adapt to climate change and new challenges facing global food systems.

Innovation lets us do more and better with less. At the farm level, many innovations are “process innovations” that improve production techniques; for example, higher-yielding seeds or more efficient irrigation. “Product innovations” are created by downstream industries, and include new and improved products, such as healthier foods, or new chemical or pharmaceutical products. “Marketing and organizational innovations” are also increasingly important throughout the supply chain.

By 2050, the demand for food will surge 70%, in line with rapid population growth. A UN study found that about 9.9% of the world’s population still goes hungry, so the thought of feeding almost 10 billion mouths is a daunting prospect. With environmental changes hard to predict, we must turn to innovation in agriculture technology.

Thankfully, the signs so far offer hope. We don’t have to wait three decades to see how innovative agricultural solutions can influence human life in the future. We'll explore technologies that change how farmers grow, transport, store, and manage their produce.

Video Credits: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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-This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
-This video is also for teaching purposes.
-It is not transformative in nature.

We make these videos with the intention of educating others in a motivational/inspirational form. We do not own the clips and music we use in most cases. Our understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair Right Use, however, given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the content clips would like us to remove the video, we have no problem with that and will do so as fast as possible. Please message us on YouTube or Facebook if you have any concerns.

We also do not wish to use the heart of any piece of work that would perhaps decrease the market value of the original content, if anything we hope to promote the content so that people can reach out and subsequently increase the market value.

Lastly, these videos are to educate people in an entertaining fashion.


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Modern Agriculture Technologies | All we need to know about innovation in food and Agriculture

Keywords: All we need to know about innovation in food and Agriculture, modern agriculture technologies, agriculture, modern agriculture, agriculture technology, modern agriculture technology, modern agriculture machine, modern farming, modern farming technology, agriculture innovation, farming, innovation, agriculture innovative ideas, innovative agriculture, farm, innovative agriculture ideas, innovative farming, innovative farming ideas, future of agriculture, future of farming

#Agricultureinnovation #ModernFarming #innovation #farming #agriculture #discoveryagriculture

3 Views · 5 months ago

If you have ever watched animals in the wild or have pets, you will probably have seen quarrels, fights, and threats between them. Which is pretty hilarious but it also can be deadly sometimes.

Today in this video we’re gonna talk about everything wild animals, animals fights and anything else about amazing animals!

#Animals #Wildanimals #Animalfights


Hope you guys enjoy this!
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Animals,wild animal,animal,animal attack,wild animal fights,save animal,rescue animal,poor animal,lion,king lion,zebra,leopard,lion attack,leopard attack,buffalo,buffalo attack,hyenas,wildog, eagle

► Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

3 Views · 5 months ago

Loooong Tail!Giant Red Diamond Fish Cutting Skills, Steamed Fish Fillet / 巨大長尾鳥! 絲尾紅鑽魚切割技巧, 破布子蒸魚
Hi, there! I'm Cate 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
**Location information**

Fried fish $15 USD
Steamed Fish Fillet $15 USD

#longtail_red_fish #snapper_fish #red_snapperfish #longtail_red_snapper #bluefin_tuna #master #cutting_show #fried_fish_Belly #seafood #黑鮪魚 #長尾鳥 #長尾鳥切割技巧 #海鮮 #絲尾紅鑽魚

3 Views · 5 months ago

300,000 eggs per day! Automated Egg Factory, Liquid Egg Processing / 日產30萬顆蛋!洗選蛋工廠, 液態蛋大量生產 - 臺南蛋品
Hi, there! I'm Cate 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

臺南蛋品-Tainan Egg

#eggfactory #foodfactory #massproduction #processingplant #production #taiwanesefood #台灣食品工廠 #台灣工廠 #台灣美食

3 Views · 5 months ago

Amazing Pufferfish Cooking, Steamed Fugu with Scallion Sauce - Seafood / 驚人的河豚料理, 河豚粥, 蔥醬蒸河豚 -海鮮餐廳
Hi, there! I'm Cate 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

Pufferfish $120 USD

#pufferfish #Pufferfish #Howtofilletpufferfish #fugu #pufferfishcuttingskills #seafood #河豚 #海鮮

3 Views · 5 months ago

Amazing!Cutting Huge Cuttlefish at Taiwanese Seafood Market/驚人的港口巨大花枝, 墨魚切割技-台灣海鮮-Taiwanese Seafood
Hi, there! I'm Cate 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
**Location information**

Huge cuttlefish $45 USD

#cutting_huge_cuttlefish #huge_cuttlefish #giait_cuttlefish #huge_cuttlefish_cutting #cuttlefish_cutting #巨大墨魚 #巨大花枝 #墨魚切割 #花枝切割 #台灣美食 #台灣海鮮

3 Views · 5 months ago

You haven't seen such a dirty carpet|Full of terrible mud|asmr Video
Hello friends, today I am cleaning a very dirty but dry Arabic carpet. You will not believe how dry and beautiful the carpet became after cleaning. I hope you enjoy this video. #carpetcleaning #asmr #satisfying
My last video
Dirty carpet cleaning satisfying rug cleaning asmr carpet washing rug washing asmr cleaning carpet cleaning compilation hot water extraction flooded carpet cleaning carpet squeege manual brushing
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3 Views · 6 months ago

باب قضاء الفوائت { نور الإيضاح } فضيلة الشيخ فتحي أحمد صافي رحمه الله تعالى 2017-11-20 مسجد النووي

3 Views · 6 months ago

القصيدة كاملة👇👇
1_ أيا ربي لقد ذهبت بلادي
وحاربَنا الأقاربُ والأعادي

2_ لقد سلبوا الديارَ بكل ظلمٍ
وهُجِّرنا إلى خيمٍ بِعادِ

3_ تُركتُ وحيدةً من غير أمٍّ
فقدتُ حنانَها ففقدتُ زادي

4_ فقدتُ أبي فقدتُ أخي وأختي
فقدتُ سعادتي...، عَظُمَ افتقادي

5_ فلا غصنٌ وزيتونٌ بأرضي
تَحرَّق كلُّ ما فيها وراحَ

6_ ولا ليمونةٌ تُؤتي رجالا
ولا شمسٌ تضيء لنا الصباحَ

7_ نعيمُ بلادِنا أضحى جحيما
طفولتُنا تعوّدت السلاحَ

8_ ففي ألعابِنا بِتْنا نقولُ
هذا مجاهدٌ وهذا عميلُ

9_ وتلكَ البنتُ أرملةٌ وهذي
مطلقةٌ لها طفلٌ قتيلُ

10_ وتلكَ خطيبُها مقطوعُ رِجْلٍ
وهذا فاقدٌ يدَهُ عليلُ

11_ تعودنا السلاحَ بكلِّ أمرٍ
بكلِّ تصرفاتٍ أو كلامِ

12_ وكلٌّ يدعي لِحقوقِ طفلٍ
وكلٌّ يدعي جَلْبَ السلامِ

13_ وما صدَقوا بما قالوا
وردَّ القولَ أفعالُ

14_ ولم يكُ منهم إلا
مصيباتٌ وأهوالُ

15_ فكم قصفوا مدارسَنا وكم آذَوا وكم قَتلوا

16_ وكم قد فرّقوا أصحابَنا عنّا وكم جهلوا

17_ وكم سرقوا منازلَنا وكم غصبوا وما عقلوا

18_ فيا رباه هذا الحالُ في أطفال سوريّا

19_ فقدنا كلَّ ما نهوى وكان العسرُ مَقضيّا

20_ فعجِّلْ ربّنا يسراً فقد ضاقَ بنا المَحيا


Showing 30 out of 31