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TheCGBros Presents "The Spark" - Humanity is long gone. After an apocalyptic war, a member of the team of robots tasked with finding a new hope for life discovers a mysterious map. For more information, please see the details and links below:
Bernardo Iraci - Greenland set
Marco Pavanello - Director, Producer, Music, Modeling, Animation
Joseph Dowling - Previz, General advisor
Josue Rivera - Robot Protagonist
Nathan Craddock - General advisor
Stefan Radenkovic -General advisor
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Check out this well animated and creepy CGI animated film "Francis", Directed by Richard Hickey, and written by Dave Eggers.
The story of "Francis" came about interestingly from famed radio show "This American Life". Broadcaster Ira Glass asked 6 American writers to create a short story about Adventure. One of these stories written by novelist & screenwriter Dave Eggers, it was read on the show to much acclaim and praise., Richard worked with producer Kevin Batten & a team to turn the words into this short. He worked on the film tirelessly & had 40 people work on all elements of the animation. The film has been shown at Cannes Film Festival and Raindance.
Not To Scale Specialize in creating all types of animated, illustrated and designed content for use across all platforms and media.
Offiicial Website - http://www.nottoscale.tv/
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Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/84786815
TheCGBros Presents "K.I.T" - by Brandon Hill - A medical robot named K.I.T. roams the ruins of an Earth once inhabited by humanity as he recalls the memories of mankind. As he enters a familiar neighborhood, he remembers his creator. For more information, please see the details and links below:
Instagram: @brandon.d.hill
YouTube: Brandon D. Hill
Website: www.bdhfilms.com
Writer, Director, Animator, and Editor: Brandon Hill
Music Composer: Jonathan Yang
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Enjoy this beautiful CGI 3D Animated Short about a street musician who lives in poverty and loneliness. After an encounter with a stray dog, his life is about to take another turn. Created at ESMA and Directed by the talented Félix Ferrand, Florian Magnin, Jordan Mercredi, Corentin Provost, Marjolaine Robin! For more information, please see the details and links below:
Rubato - ESMA 2015
This movie was done during the third and last year at ESMA Montpellier, in France.
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Check out the beautiful style and rendering in "Autonomous", a sci-fi animated short as we are following the journey of F.R.E.D. the recon droid`s last order as he sets across a barren world of wrecks and autonomous weapons. For more information, please see the details and links below:
Autonomous started out as a proof of concept for a bigger story and completed as a free time project during 2 years by a team of 2 people based in Estonia.
Aleksei Shulga- director,modeling,shading,vfx,compositing
Mihhail Kohtov -rig,animation,sfx and sound design
Music by http://moderncrusader.net/
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TheCGBros Presents "UNLOST" by Tymur Pyrohov - A small robot tries to recharge his friend after a tragic event in outer space. For more information, please see the details and links below:
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Twitter: tymur_pyrohov
Instagram: tymur_pyrohov
ArtStation: tymurpyrohov.artstation.com
YouTube: Tymur Pyrohov
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user120479625
Linkedin: Tymur Pyrohov
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Enjoy this amazing CGI 3D Animated Short film...In the center of a freezing, misty lake, a struggling writer"s solitary fishing trip is disrupted by a strange creature from the bottom of a whiskey bottle.
The Albatross is a 7-minute short film, created by Joel Best, Alex Jeremy, and Alex Karonis in their final year of study at the University of Technology, Sydney.
After a successful festival circuit screening at festivals including the prestigious AACTA Awards (AFI Awards Australia), Sydney Film Festival and Animafest Zagreb, The Albatross is ready to make it"s internet debut.
Software used: Maya, Zbrush, Nuke and rendered in Renderman
You can reach us at team@thealbatrossshort.com
Joel Best
web - http://joelbest.com.au
email - joel@joelbest.com.au
Alex Jeremy
email - alex.jeremy@outlook.com
Alex Karonis
email - alexkaronis@gmail.com
Music Composed by Louis Robert King - http://louisrobertking.com
Sound Design by Daniel Rompannen and Simon Kamikaze
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TheCGBros Presents "Swing to the Moon" - by ESMA - Living in the forest, little spider Temi dreams of catching the Moon. For that, she will do anything. Dans la forêt, Temi, une petite araignée, rêve d'attraper la Lune. Elle va tout tenter pour essayer de l'atteindre.
TEAM - Réalisation / Directors : Marie BORDESSOULE, Adriana BOUISSIE, Nadine DE BOER, Elisa DRIQUE, Chloé LAUZU, Vincent LEVRERO, Solenne MOREAU
Son / sound: Tristan Le Bozec, Sébastien Fournier, José Vicente, Yoann Poncet – Studio des Aviateurs
Film d'animation réalisé dans le cadre de la formation cinéma d'animation 3D de l'école ESMA (promo 2022).
Software: Maya, Nuke, Photoshop, Houdini, Zbrush, Painter, Premiere, Discord, Renderman, Blender
© ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques
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TheCGBros Presents "Retaliation" by Emely Michel - In this 3D animated short a "Monster" finds itself in a cave-like pit. The residents taunt and mock the beast by hurling rocks at it from the outside. One night the Monster finds a way to make them regret by making use of the thrown rocks. For more information, please see the details and links below:
Visuals made by Emely Michel
Music and sound made by Aron Jäger & Frederik Herre
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Emely Michel (Visuals)
Aron Jäger (sound and music)
Frederik Herre (sound concept)
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Watch this hilarious 3D animated short called "Nobody Nose Cleopatra" as queen Cleopatra has a problem. Nobody can draw her nose to her satisfaction. Ahmes, an apprentice painter used to menial chores, is asked to take the master’s painting to the queen. At the palace, his troubles begin. The corridors resound with the screams of those who have disappointed Cleopatra in the past!
This animated short film was completed while at Graduation Film
School : ISART DIGITAL, the Video Game and 3D Animation / VFX School
Chams CHITOU, Charlotte LEBRETON, Lucie LOISEAU, Mikahel MEAH, Maxime MONIER, Marc RAZAFINDRALAMBO, Aymeric RONDOL, Jonathan SALVI and Anthony TREFLEZE
Music & Sound Design : Loïc AMIOT, Axel BURCKEL, Grégoire MOUSSEAU, Franck RABINEAU and Denis RIVOIRE
Join the page on : facebook.com/nezenmoinsdisaitcleopatre/
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Special Thank"s to formaDISSENY for making our logo intro animation!! http://www.formadisseny.com/en/
If you’re a CGI ARTIST, ANIMATOR, FILM MAKER or STUDIO and would like your project showcased on our TheCGBros please visit http://bit.ly/2byguiS
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Watch this adorable award winning 3D animated short called "Dead Friends" as decades after a mysterious incurable zombie virus spreads throughout the world, mankind is in danger of going extinct. Among the infected there is an old zombie and a dog that remains loyal to his master. He hopes he will become human again one day. Created by the talented Changsik Lee! For more information, please see the details and links below:
"Dead Friends" is Changsik"s graduation project created for Sheridan College Animation in Oakville, Canada. Within the course of a year it has been screened at over 30 film festivals all over the world. Special thanks to everyone who helped create this film.
Changsik Lee Homepage: artstation.com/artist/changsiklee Email: coshic2@gmail.com
A more detailed list of all the festival awards: 1.MCNY Film Festival- Winner 2016 2.FRESHFLIX 2016 - Best of 2016- Narrative Animation (Canada) 2016 3.CINECAFEST Central American Short Film Festival – Best Animation 2016 4.LOS ANGELES CineFest Best Animation 2016 5.LOS ANGELES CineFest Best of Audience 2016 6.Roselle Park Loves Shorts – Best Student Animated 2016 7.International Animated Short Film Festival AJAYU – Finalist Short Film 8.Best Short Fest – Short Film – Semi-final nominated 2016 9.Comicpalooza Film Festival - Semi-final nominated 2016 10.Nelvana: Best 3D Computer Animation Award 11.DHXcellence Award in 3D Animation 12.HP People’s choice Award 13.OFFA OAKVILLE FESTIVALS OF FILM&ART - Animated Short 2015 14.Montreal International Animation Film Festival – ANIMAZE - Canada Wide Student Film. 2016 15.The Dead Walk Festival - Short Film 2016 16.MINIKINO FILM- Short Animation – Official Selection 2016 17.Toronto Korean Film Festival - selected works of Korean Canadian directors 2016 18.Anim!Arte - Official selection 19.Kraken Con Animation - Best Student Animated Short 2016 20.Trash – International Fantastic Film Festival – Official selection 21.IndieWise FREE Virtual Festival – Official Selection 22.Pixelatl – Animated Short- Official Selection 23.ICARO – International Animation – Official Selection 24.NuKhu – Official Selection 2016 25.SABC Ekurhuleni International Film Festival - Best International Film Award Official Selection 2016 26.Torremolinos International Fantastic Film Festival – official selection 27.TIF Video Challenge - Short Film – Official Selection 2016 28.IndieFlicks International - Short Shorts – Official Selection 2016 29.The 60 Seconds or Less Video Festival - Short Film – Official Selection 2016 30.TMC London Film Festival – Best Animated Short Film – Official Selection
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Check out this fantastic award winning CGI Animated short film about Cecil the praying mantis, who goes on his first date! Created by the talented Agaki Bautista, Aram Davern, Michael De Caria, Jonathon Iskov, Peter Lam, & Doug Walker ! For more information, please see the details and links below:
Software used: Maya and Zbrush / Arnold Renderer / Nuke
Contact info for the team:
Lovebites Facebook page: (http://facebook.com/lovebitesshortfilm)
Made at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment Sydney: (http://aie.edu.au)
Agaki Bautista (http://agaki.net)
Aram Davern (http://aramdavern.wix.com/portfolio)
Michael De Caria (http://michaeldecaria.com)
Jonathon Iskov (http://orangebisque.com/jonathon)
Peter Lam (http://peterlammusic.com)
Doug Walker (http://devilbirdaudio.com)
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TheCGBros Presents "Alternate Mesozoic" (Mésozoïque Alternatif) by ESMA - Dinosaurs and humans evolve and live together through History. However, the annoying and invasive behavior of humans starts to bother Rex, a peaceful dinosaur. Les dinosaures et les humains évoluent et cohabitent ensemble à travers les époques de l’Histoire. Mais le comportement envahisseur et agaçant des humains commence à énerver Rex, un dinosaure pourtant pacifique.
For more information, please see the details and links below:
Réalisateurs / directors: Swann Boby, Lucie Laudrin, Marion Métivier, Léna Miguet, Sixtine Sanrame, Marie Schaeffer
Voix / voices: Antoine Perrichon, José Vicente
Musique / music: Jeffrey Brice
Son / sound: Baptiste Leblanc, Tristan Le Bozec, José Vicente - STUDIO DES AVIATEURS
Film d'animation réalisé dans le cadre de la formation cinéma d'animation 3D de l'école ESMA (promo 2021).
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© ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques
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TheCGBros Presents "Reflection" - When a high school girl tries to give up what she loves in order to fit in, her reflection comes to life to remind her of her true self. For more information please see the details below.
Hannah Park
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Enjoy this funny CGI 3D Animated Short about a guy cheating on his diet. The film was produced in 2016 at Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida by Diem Tran. Tran was able to create this film thanks to the guidance of the faculty members at Ringling College and the input and feedbacks from her creative colleagues.
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Check out this hilarious 3D animated short called "Adult" Hair" about a hairdresser who finds himself in a tricky situation with his customer, who just so happens to be the wife of the village's policeman, created by the talented team of Florian Boury, Gautier Froehly, Manon Hirat, Matthieu Paugam, Cindy Redon, David Varsi! For more information, please see the details and links below:
Music : Brice Brouillet-Laboissière, Baptiste Leblanc
Voices : Manon Hirat, Cindy Redon, Yoann Poncet, José Vicente
Sound : José Vicente – Studio des aviateurs
Film d"animation réalisé dans le cadre de la formation cinéma d"animation 3D de l"école ESMA (2014).
© ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques
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