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Why are So Many Young Britons Converting to Islam in 2023? With Imam Ashraf Dabous

1 Views· 07/12/24
12 Subscribers

There has been an uptick in the number of people converting to Islam recently. This was very noticeable in Ramadan, when it just seemed every day, a young man was becoming Muslim. Imam Ashraf, who leads a congregation in the inner-city London borough of Lewisham, discusses why so many British youngsters are turning to Islam. His Mosque saw over 60 conversions in Ramadan alone. I ask him about the influence of Andrew Tate upon many young men coming to Islam.

Imam Ashraf Dabous is an imam at Lewisham Mosque in London. He studied at the Islamic University of Madinah. He also studied privately under various Shuyukh – studying Hanbali and Hanafi Fiqh and other Sciences. And he recently graduated from Goldsmiths University with an MSc in CBT therapy and is a qualified councillor.

Official handles of the Lewisham Islamic Centre:

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The Thinking Muslim Podcast Episode 94

0:00-2:54 Introduction
2:54-4:06 Is the number of young British Muslims increasing?
4:06-4:52 How many men and women converted to Islam in Ramadan?
4:52-7:08 How do people convert to Islam?
7:08-9:02 Age groups of people who embrace Islam
9:02-10:16 Why do young people come to Islam?
10:16-12:35 Behind the conversion of a 70-year-old
12:35-16:35 Does socioeconomic background play a role?
16:35-19:49 The role of mosques in addressing non-Muslim concerns
19:49-23:47 Does Andrew Tate's conversion influence young Muslim conversions?
23:47-28:15 What issues push young or old non-Muslims to Islam?
28:15-32:33 How much self-rebuilding is required to become a Muslim?
32:33-36:24 On the convert's adoption of a different culture
36:24-39:24 Young converts' attitudes toward Islam's numerous rules
39:24-43:43 Attitude of parents towards their converted children
43:43-44:36 Do people become Muslims just to get married?
44:36-46:47 How many converts to Islam remain as Muslims
46:47-48:45 How do conversions affect other Muslims?
48:45-59:00 How to deal with the fear of non-Muslim parents?
59:00-1:02:49 Roles of Mosques
1:02:49-1:05:57 Da’wah to Muslims and non-Muslims
1:05:57-1:11:47 The importance of mosques in developing our Muslim mindset
1:11:47-1:16:57 Government hostility toward Muslims and hope for the future
1:16:57-1:22:59 Role of Social Media
1:22:59-1:23:10 Additional information

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