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1 Views · 6 months ago

As you are raised with those you loved in this temporary world, Jibreel (a) and the angels will line up in silent rows and Hell and Heaven will be brought near to the wicked and the righteous. In that indescribably anxious Hour, two things will differentiate the true believers: their immense, actionable love for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the five key qualities (and deeds) they embodied that Allah has promised an eternal reward for.

Note: All depictions are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

[Closed Captioning] provided by @MuhsenOrg

#judgmentday #omarsuleiman #ramadan

1 Views · 6 months ago

Enter through the Gate of Charity. Invest in your Jannah. Click the DONATE button or automate your daily Ramadan donations on our website: https://yqn.io/42347e

Eight gates, stacked atop each other. Angels calling out for all to earn their entry with good deeds and generosity. And you, standing at last before the entryway to Paradise, ready to experience the bliss that erases all hardships. Adopt the Jannah mindset and, insha’Allah, one day your name will be called from the gates of Paradise.

Watch Episode 2 of "Jannah: Home at Last", a Yaqeen Institute Ramadan Series with Dr. Omar Suleiman.

DISCLAIMER: All depictions of Jannah are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

Thank you @MuhsenOrg for providing closed captioning.

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0 Views · 6 months ago

What pushed Suhaib the Roman to travel the world, and what was he willing to sacrifice once he realized there was more to this life than trade and adventure? Suhaib al Rumi was the last of the first seven to publicize his Islam and one of the first to be promised Paradise.

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1 Views · 6 months ago

"In all of them is good". Both strong and weak believers are capable of receiving Allah's love. However, strength is especially beloved by Him. This episode explains why.

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1 Views · 6 months ago

Take advantage of the blessed 10 days upon us. Donate to Yaqeen: https://yqn.io/1ebf35

Download the E-book, "Deeper into Dhikr: A Companion Guide," here: https://yqn.io/c579a7

What does it mean to send peace and blessings on the Prophet ﷺ? We do so out of love and respect, but the blessings return to us in many forms, from forgiven sins to increased closeness to the final Messenger. In this episode, learn about why salawat is so important to the practice of a believer.

#omarsuleiman #dhulhijjah #salawat #durood #dhikr #adhkar

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1 Views · 6 months ago

In these final 10 nights, raise a voice for Islam that rings around the world. Donate to Yaqeen. https://yqn.io/nmf3

How can understanding Allah's blessings and provision on earth increase us in the afterlife? How can reflecting on your own creation give you a stronger sense of purpose? How can we understand God's dominion and connect it with His Mercy?

Join Sh. Mowlid Ali with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 29 of the Qur'an, discussing the humble beginnings of the creation of man, our vulnerability and reliance on Allah, and Allah's total Dominion over all things.

✨Qur'an Trivia✨

Who is the woman referred to in Surah Al-Mujadila?

A. Hind bint Utbah
B. Nusaybah bint Ka’ab
C. Khawlah bint Tha’labah

0:00 - Highlights
📌 1:17 - Today's trivia
2:25 - Introduction

📌 3:20 - Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on our vulnerability and reliance on Allah
4:30 - If Allah had sunk the water into the earth
6:17 - The test of the people of Mecca
8:20 - The destruction of the people of Aad with wind
9:15 - The people of Jannah and Jahannam

📌 10:50 - Sh. Abdullah Oduro reflects on how Allah brings life to creation
12:40 - Those that wander aimlessly
13:20 - On reflecting on the intentionality of your creation
15:20 - The 2 lives and 2 deaths

📌 17:15 - Sh. Mowlid Ali reflects on Allah's Dominion in Surah al-Mulk
18:00 - The repeated mention of mercy
19:00 - Guidance and gratitude
21:30 - Allah's Dominion

📌 22:20 - Reflections
23:30 - Remember where you came from
24:30 - Everything is a sign
26:50 - Surah al-Mulk in Omar ibn Saeed's diary

Download our FREE eBook: “Qur’an 30 for 30: Thematic Tafsir” here: https://yqn.io/beede4

#ramadan #quran #omarsuleiman #ramadan2024 #quran30for30

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1 Views · 6 months ago

Allah, in His supreme mercy, does not punish us beyond the worth of a sin, but His measure for our good deeds is increased beyond calculation, leading to even greater reward. What makes our good deeds special enough to be multiplied on our scales?

Note: All depictions are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

[Closed Captioning] provided by @Muhsen

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#judgmentday #omarsuleiman #ramadan

1 Views · 6 months ago

Do we have such a thing as guardian angels? What do they do, and how do we experience them?

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2 Views · 6 months ago

What are some of the unique benefits of Tahajjud, and how does one approach it in a way that is consistent and fulfilling?

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COMING SOON! Sign up for our Tahajjud series with Dr. Tamara Gray: https://rb.gy/crvkkn

#tahajjud #prayer #khutbah #omarsuleiman

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0 Views · 6 months ago

Not all doubts are bad, and some can even be rewardable. What motivates the doubts in our faith, and at what point are we blameworthy? This is the central focus of the series, and a roadmap to navigating doubts with Yaqeen.

Follow the entire playlist of Understanding My Journey here: https://yqn.io/vus

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#islam #omarsuleiman

1 Views · 6 months ago

Enter through the Gate of Charity. Invest in your Jannah. Click the DONATE button or donate online: https://yqn.io/gnl

Your home in Jannah, you’ll realize, is one you already know better than you ever knew your homes on earth. When the gates open with flourish for you, you will first be welcomed by angels, greeting you with salaam (peace). As those gentle caretakers—jubilant for you—walk you through the palaces your deeds and patience built, they will show you what awaits: your servants in the thousands, shining like pearls and your family and friends eager to reunite with you. And just when you think you couldn’t be happier, Allah will give you glad tidings of something even better than all the pleasure Paradise promises.

Watch Episode 4 of "Jannah: Home at Last", a Yaqeen Institute Ramadan Series with Dr. Omar Suleiman.

DISCLAIMER: All depictions of Jannah are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

Thank you @MuhsenOrg for providing closed captioning.

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#omarsuleiman #ramadan2023 #jannahiswaitingforyou #ramadanseries #jannah #paradise #heaven

Visit http://www.yaqeeninstitute.org for full access to all research publications, infographics, and videos. Join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @yaqeeninstitute!

1 Views · 6 months ago

Automate your donations during the last 10 nights of Ramadan here: https://yqn.io/ed056a

When the heavens and earth are rolled up, everything will be blanketed in darkness. As people walk across the thin Sirat, or the bridge to Paradise that’s stretched over Hell, their only source of light will be glowing from the believers, shining according to the deeds they had sent forth. And that is where the Most Just will separate the hypocrites from the illuminated righteous.

Note: All depictions are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

[Closed Captioning] provided by @Muhsen

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#judgmentday #omarsuleiman #ramadan

0 Views · 6 months ago

The series finale on the remarkable legacy and life of Aisha (ra). What was her life like after the death of the beloved Prophet ﷺ, and what were her unique distinctions that live on until today.

The Firsts is a weekly video series that chronicles the lives of the sahabah during and after the time of the Prophet ﷺ.

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#thefirsts #omarsuleiman #sahaba

1 Views · 6 months ago

How do I figure out what my purpose is or what kind of legacy I should be working toward? How do I balance my own goals and passions with the pressure to be responsible and take care of others? Sh. Abdullah Oduro along with cohost Yahya Taleb invites El-Fadel Ningbinnin to discuss Rise Relief, his family’s relief organizations in Benin, and the legacy he hopes to leave behind for his children.

For more information on Rise Relief, check out https://riserelief.org/

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1 Views · 6 months ago

Enter through the Gate of Charity. Invest in your Jannah. Click the DONATE button or donate online: https://yqn.io/9ffc8e

Gold, rubies, and crystal are only a few of the materials used to build the luxurious palaces of Jannah. From crystal constructions in the air, to houses carved from a single pearl, each home is a reward for a particular life led and deeds obtained. What will your Lord reward you for?

Watch Episode 5 of "Jannah: Home at Last", a Yaqeen Institute Ramadan Series with Dr. Omar Suleiman.

DISCLAIMER: All depictions of Jannah are purely conceptual and only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

Thank you @MuhsenOrg for providing closed captioning.

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#omarsuleiman #ramadan2023 #palaceinjannah #ramadanseries #jannah #paradise #heaven

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0 Views · 6 months ago

Why did God create Hell? How can we ponder upon its descriptions and Allah’s warnings without becoming discouraged in our pursuit of His Mercy?

Join Dr. Omar Suleiman for a spiritually productive discussion about Hellfire, its characteristics, and the deeds and du’as that we can make to avoid being inhabitants of it.

#jahannam #islam #yaqeeninstitute #jannahseries #hellfire #hell

00:00 Introduction
3:03 Curbing our desires in light of our destination
6:12 Balancing fear of Jahannam with hope of Jannah
13:06 The believers fear Hellfire most
16:45 Unique benefits of remembering Hellfire
24:19 The best version of yourself
25:58 Hellfire has degrees like Paradise
27:27 The qualities and categories of the people of Hellfire
48:00 Is Hellfire eternal?
58:21 A description of the punishment of Hellfire
1:13:27 How do you save yourself from Hellfire?

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