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The Book Of Allah is My Constitution - Powerful Nasheed: Muhammad al-Muqit

0 Views· 13/10/24
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The Title : The Book Of ALLAH is My Constitution

كتاب الله دستوري The Book of Allah (Quran) is my constitution.

وخير الخلق أسوتنا And the best of creation (Muhammad PBUH) is our excellent pattern

بسنته انجلى نوري His Sunnah enlightened me

لهدي الحق أرشدنا And he guided us to the path of truth

لزمت محاضن القرآن I attended the lessons (Halaqahs) of the Quran

فذكر الله يسعدنا In the remembrance of Allah our hearts find happiness

عرفنا إخوة الإيمان We have known brothers in faith,

وللأخيار صحبتنا and we company the righteous of them

تميزنا بكل الفن We have been unique in all kinds of Art

وتجمعنا محبتنا And been gathered by our love for each other

وصدق القول نعرفه And the words of truth we used to say

وخير الخُلْقِ يعرفنا And the best of creation (Muhammad PBUH) knows us (his Ummah)

تعالينا على الأحقاد We turned away from the ignorants (the haters)

مع المخطئ تسامحنا And we forgave those who wronged us

تنافسنا بحفظ الآي We have competed in memorizing the verses of Quran

وهذا ما يميزنا And that what distinguishes us comparing with other nations "And that what distinguishes us"


برامجنا منوعة We have variety programs

تعرفنا تثقفنا That educate & to teach us

حوار ثمٓ أفكار The discussion and ideas

فقوتنا بوحدتنا Our strength is our unity

تعال وزر وشاركنا Come visit and share the reward with us,

وقم بالخير سابقنا and race (hasten) towards good deeds and compete with us

لقانا في ابن تيمية Our meeting in Ibn Taymiyyah's lessons

وخير الخلق قدوتنا And our ideal to follow is the best of Allah's creation (Muhammad PBUH).

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