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Revisiting Our View of Al-Aqsa Flood

3 Views· 27/04/24
12 Subscribers

Let's use some common sense and set our emotions aside! At such difficult times, it always helps to inspect things from all sides and angles to see if anything went amiss in the turmoil of these unprecedented events ever since the whole ordeal started way before 1948... Let's watch this episode to find our more.


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Eyad Quniabi, Ph.D. is a Professor of Pharmacology at Jerash University. Dr. Qunaibi graduated with a doctorate degree in Molecular Pharmacology from the University of Houston, Texas, USA, and has teaching and research experience in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Toxicology, and Pharmacokinetics. He contributed to two patents, and is an author of numerous highly-cited scientific publications.

YTube channel (Arabic): youtube.com/user/eyadqunaibi
YTube channel (English): youtube.com/c/DrEyadQunaibiGlobalChannel

Facebook (Arabic): https://www.facebook.com/eyadqunaibi
Facebook (English): https://www.facebook.com/EyadQunaibi1

Twitter Arabic: @Dr_EyadQun
Twitter English: @EyadQunaibi1

Telegram Arabic: https://t.me/EyadQunaibi
Telegram English: https://t.me/EyadQunaibi1

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