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Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Buddhist Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik

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Prophesies of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Buddhist Scriptures - Dr Zakir Naik


Lets discus the Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in the Buddhist Scriptures.
Almost all the Buddhist scriptures, they speak about a maitri to come, it’s also mentioned in Chikkvati Sinhnad Suttanta D 111. 76 it says that another Buddha will come by the name of maitri the holy one the supreme one the enlighten one and endowed with wisdom and conduct, auspicious having knowledge of the universe, whatever he will get from supernatural knowledge he will preach to the whole world, he will preach a religion which will be glorious at the beginning, glorious at the climax and glorious at the end. He will preach a way of life which will be truthful and wholly perfect. He will have several thousands of monks as I have several hundreds of monks.

This Prophecy is also repeated in the Sacred books of the East vol. 35 page no. 235 that a maitri will come with such and such criteria and qualities and further it says, that he will be a leader of thousands of people as I’m a leader of hundred’s of people.

It’s further mentioned in the gospel of Buddha page no. 217-218 that Anandahe asks Buddha that ‘O blessed one after you have gone who will guide us so the blessed one Buddha he replied that I am not the first Buddha in this world neither am I the last there will be another Buddha who will come the holy one the supreme one the enlighten one endowed with wisdom and conduct the auspicious having knowledge of the universe, he will preach a good religion he will preach a religion will be glorious at the beginning, glorious at the climax and glorious at the end. He will teach a religion which will be based on truth and will be a perfect way of life and he will have many thousands of disciples as I have only hundreds of disciples.

The Ananda asks Buddha the blessed one, how will we know him? So Buddha replies, he will be called as Maitri. Maitri means the “Merciful” “Loving” “Kind” “Compasionate” one equivalent Arabic word is “Rahmah” and Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Ambiya chapter 21 verse 107:

“Wa Ma Arsalnaaka Illa Rahmatal lil Aalameen”

107. we sent Thee not, but As a Mercy to all the worlds as a mercy to all the creatures as a mercy to whole of humanity.

This word “Rahmah” mercy and its derivatives are mentioned in the Qur’an in no less than 409 times and every chapter of the Qur’an except for Surah Taubha chapter no. 9 begins with a beautiful formula “Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem” In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful.

So the Buddhist scriptures almost all of them prophesize about the Maitri i.e. Prophet Muhammad (saws) to come.

Muhammad (saws) is further prophesized in the Buddhist scriptures which is mentioned in the sacred books of the East Vol. 11 page no. 36 Maha-Parinibbana Sutta ch. 2 verse 32 it says that as for the Buddha there are no exoteric or esoteric teachers and O Ananda the Tata Ghattas that means the teachers have nothing like a close fist we cannot keep the knowledge to ourselves it should be proclaimed and we know Muhammad (saws) whatever he received as a wahi from Allah (swt) he proclaimed to the whole of humanity and he told his disciples that never keep it away from human kind proclaim it and spread it that’s what’s mentioned in the prophecy, theres nothing like esoteric or exoteric, everything should be told to human kind...

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