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Political Participation - Discussing Thinking Muslim 's advice

2 Views· 07/12/24
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Seminars and lessons of Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Massari
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Article by Professor Muhammad Al-Massari related to Voting/Ruling:

Article By Muhammad Jalal pertaining to this subject:
Video Content from Thinking Muslim

#voting #democracy #left #thinking_muslim #shura #mpac #mcb #labour #tories #immigration #muslim #erdogan #snp #erbakan #pve #morsi

Title: Political Participation - Discussing Thinking Muslim's advice

Description and timestamps:

0:00:17 - 00:09:55 Intro:
Presenting Key points of Muhammad Jalal of Thinking Muslims' Article/strategy

Dr Massasri's initial analysis:
- Reaction to bankruptcy of left
-Dates back to Ikhwani view
-History of British society
-Real power lies with the people - shariah endorses this idea
-Situation of a Muslim minority, relation to society
-Shallow understanding of Islam

Islam remains, but in literature and books,
- Current understanding of governance is not the model of Prophet and Khulafah Rashideen in relation to ruling/state/authority
- Since Muawiyyah the narrative of Obedience to the Ruler advanced
- Scholarship soldout
- Majority of munafiqeen in scholarship
- Public Affairs, left people's focus
- Hadith - Knots of Islam will be untied
- Ruling is a fundamental part of islam

Requirement to have continuous fiqh, derived from shariah, very few scholars had this clear in the mind

00:24:01 - Muslim Landscape in UK
Background Muslim immigrants had limited education, little vision
- Third generation, muslims started to have significant numbers capable of influencing elections
- Eg Birmingham, East London
- Leftist recognised that Muslims could be rallied
- 90s Muslim movements matured - Ikhwan/Jama
- HT/Jihadi rebukation of democracy

Resulting in Discussion and a requirement for theory on how to participate in a domain of kufr

Explanation of Shariah Injunctions - if they join, not allowed to rule by kufr
- Parliament/Westminister - participate in ruling/legislation
- Not necessarily the case with local government
- Spurred Discussion on justifications - eg Najasi, Yusuf AS
- If you rule, must rule by Islam and with justice, no liberty to do otherwise
- Before vision for state was a minimalistic state

Are you allowed to participate?
- If you participate, must have aclear agenda as an independent
- If you join Parliament you can use it as platform to spread Islam/put Islamic view, and anything unislamic, you don’t vote for it
- You will always be in opposition/using it as a platform

What is the function of a Muslim under Kufr rule
- No obligation to obey
- Just be at a state of peace

Hereditary monarchy is impossible as power does not go back to the people

In domain of kufr what do we do?
- Oppose integration, interact
- No need to be reactionary/punish
- Carry dawah
- Can not rule by kufr
Labour's stance in relation to Gaza is due to their belief about reality

00:47:17 Jalal's advice is tactically good
At moment it's a good tactic, i.e. to punish, however it's not the way it should be, better to abstain and form our own independent party

On Jalal's idea of not representing a party, and having independent candidates and accusation of being a 5th column
- What do they mean by being a 5th Column, we are an international creed

Reason stated for Independents is not persuasive, could be a party, they must be told they will never vote for any unislamic injunction
- And always criticise laws and regulation and offer Islamic solution
- Pre-requisite, they would need to be sufficiently Islamically educated

Professor's Recommendation, abstain, how to get more control in local government, school boards etc

First stage is activating the people
Educate people ideologically

Alternative to voting, direct action to secure rights
Being outside the system

Many who advocate for voting, could have desire for power
Some think they can serve islam-example of Erdogan being constrained by the system

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