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Lightning Exclusive Nasheed By: Ahmad Al-Muqit

1 Views· 13/10/24
12 Subscribers

في زمنٍ ضاقت به النفوس ذرعاً بعلو الكفر وأتباعه
وزاد فيه الظلم والقهر حتى بلغ مداه ...
يأذن الله للمسلمين بالفرج والنصر والعلو والرفعة
ويوم إذنٍ يفرح المسلمون بنصر الله
ويقولون متى هو ؟ ... قل عسى أن يكون قريبا
عند إذن يتجلى " البرق الملتهب "
نصرُ من الله وفتح قريب

Translation :
At the time when the souls should depart at death when seeing the disbelief and its followers to be superior and seeing the injustice and oppression increased until they come to an end, then Allah will grant to the Muslims His relief, victory, and will upgrade and elevate their status...

And that day the Muslims will rejoice ..
Then they will say, "When is that?" Say, "Perhaps it will be soon"
Victory from Allah and an imminent conquest .

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Artist: https://soundcloud.com/ahmed-al-mqate/
Translation by: https://www.youtube.com/user/xoOLeenaOox

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