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Gaza: Channelling our Rage and Anger with Dr Kamal Abu Zahra

1 Views· 07/12/24
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We are all angry. We live in an unjust world. The so-called rules-based system, the rhetoric surrounding human rights, the endless speeches on democracy and freedom – all of it turned out to be hollow. The death and destruction in gaza is juxtaposed with the triviality with which the political elites in the west talk of human life. We are angry.
How does a Muslim deal with this visceral anger. How do we deal with the inhumanity of these western elites yet stay true to ourselves and who we are? Should we learn to stop being angry and live our lives in a comatose state or utilise this anger in a just direction?

Today we have Dr Kamal Abu Zahra to help us understand anger from an Islamic perspective.
My guest today is Dr Kamal Abu Zahra is a lecturer in Islamic studies and in Islamic law who has an expertise in the contemporary fiqh.

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#thethinkingmuslimpodcast episode 142

00:00 Introduction

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