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• A clip from Charlie Chaplin's 1919 film A Day's Pleasure. © Roy Export SAS
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Adults – of course – were conquered by Chaplin’s exquisite talent, but the character was soon adopted by a much younger audience. After all, the forlorn little guy with his funny walk and silly mustache is – first and foremost – a clown! He seems to have endless energy, ever seeking solutions to the endless obstacles life assails him with. His naïve clumsiness - combined with a heroic disposition - enables us to identify Charlie Chaplin with our own childhood… back when everything seemed possible.
Daily life seen through the eyes of Charlie Chaplin could never be dull! Every little mundane event is transformed into side-splitting hilarity. Acute clumsiness and naivety are certainly not helpful when it comes contending with an irritable boss, persuading the neighbor that Chaplin’s house is not the local garbage dump when trying to shake off a bunch of over-zealous cops and even going on a shopping expedition to the supermarket with the Kid.
However, our hero with the toothbrush mustache is always armed with his trademark cane and bowler hat and ready to face whatever life has to throw at him. Against all odds, Chaplin overcomes the trials and tribulations of daily life with humor, dignity and the spirit of adventure.
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© 2012 - MK2 TV - Method Animation - LP Animation - DQ Entertainment Limited - Fabrique d'Images
• Charlie Chaplin finds a baby during his morning promenade in this scene from "The Kid". © Roy Export SAS
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A woman abandons her newborn son along with a note for the finder. The Tramp stumbles upon the child and though initially reluctant, takes him in and raises him as his own.
The Kid is a 1921 American silent comedy-drama film written, produced, directed and starring Charlie Chaplin, and features Jackie Coogan as his foundling baby, adopted son and sidekick. This was Chaplin's first full-length film as a director (he had been a co-star in 1914's Tillie's Punctured Romance). It was a huge success, and was the second-highest-grossing film in 1921, behind The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In 2011, The Kid was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
Film: The Kid (1921)
Produced by: Charlie Chaplin
Director: Charlie Chaplin
Writer: Charlie Chaplin
Cast: Charlie Chaplin
Jackie Coogan
Edna Purviance
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Licensed from: Canamedia
The 1916 Chaplin movie, The Vagabond, restoration. The film follows the earlier movie, The Tramp, with more drama and pathos mixed in the film.
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How we do these film restorations:
1. Downloading footage from public domain source, e.g
2. Removing footage from duplicate frames by using Dain-App
3. Footage noise reduction by using Neat Video
4. Footage is colorized by using VideoColorizerColab
5. Frame interpolation by using Flowframes
6. Upgrading video resolution by using Topaz Labs Video Enhance AI
7. Video editing by using Adobe Premiere Pro
8. Adding music by using public domain sources, or paid music
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----- Charlie Chaplin 'Colori' Festival (Laurel & Hardy) #CharlieChaplin
Watch A Night in the Show (1915) Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance.
A Night in the Show was Charlie Chaplin's 12th film for Essanay. It was made at Majestic Studio in Los Angeles the fall of 1915. Chaplin played two roles: one as Mr. Pest and one as Mr. Rowdy. The film was created from Chaplin's stage work from a play called Mumming Birds (a.k.a. A Night at an English Music Hall in the United States) with the Karno Company from London. Chaplin performed this play during his U.S. tours with Fred Karno company and decided to bring some of this play to his film work. Edna Purviance played a minor role as a lady in the audience.
Cast: Charles Chaplin, Charlotte Mineau, Dee Lampton, Edna Purviance, Leo White
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
Produced by Jess Robbins
Written by Charlie Chaplin
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----- The Immigrant is a 1917 American silent romantic comedy short. The film stars Charlie Chaplin's Tramp character as an immigrant coming to the United States who is accused of theft on the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, and falls in love with a beautiful young woman along the way. It also stars Edna Purviance and Eric Campbell.
The movie was written and directed by Chaplin.
According to Kevin Brownlow and David Gill's documentary series Unknown Chaplin, the first scenes to be written and filmed take place in what became the movie's second half, in which the penniless Tramp finds a coin and goes for a meal in a restaurant, not realising that the coin has fallen out of his pocket. It was not until later that Chaplin decided the reason the Tramp was penniless was that he had just arrived on a boat from Europe, and used this notion as the basis for the first half. Purviance reportedly was required to eat so many plates of beans during the many takes to complete the restaurant sequence (in character as another immigrant who falls in love with Charlie) that she became physically ill.
The scene in which Chaplin's character kicks an immigration officer was cited later as evidence of his anti-Americanism when he was forced to leave the United States in 1952. In 1998, The Immigrant was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
The Fireman (Charlot, bombero o Carlitos bombero) es un mediometraje estadounidense con dirección de Charles Chaplin, y Edward Brewer6 en la parte técnica. Contó con actuación del mismo Chaplin, y de Edna Purviance, Lloyd Bacon y Eric Campbell. Fue estrenado el 12 de junio de 1916.
Charlie es la oveja negra de la brigada de incendios a la que llegan Edna y su padre; este último viene a pedirle al jefe de la brigada que deje que su casa se queme para poder cobrar así el seguro a cambio de concederle la mano de Edna. Poco después se desata un incendio pero al advertir el padre que Edna se había quedado dormida en su cuarto corre a pedir ayuda. Charlie conduce la autobomba a toda velocidad y afrontando el peligro sube los dos pisos para salvar a Edna, de la que había quedado prendado, llegándose así a un final abierto a todas las esperanzas.
• Charlie, a soldier, volunteers to wander within the enemy's lines disguised as a tree. Shoulder Arms © Roy Export S.A.S.
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Watch Charlie Chaplin The Floorwalker (1916) | Edward Brewer | Edna Purviance, Leo White
#TheFloorwalker #CharlieChaplin #SilentFilm
The Tramp is tricked into impersonating an embezzling floorwalker in a department store.
Director: Charles Chaplin, Edward Brewer (technical director)
Producer: Henry P. Caulfield
Written by Charles Chaplin (scenario), Vincent Bryan (scenario), Maverick Terrell (scenario)
Starring: Charles Chaplin, Eric Campbell, Edna Purviance, Lloyd Bacon, Albert Austin, Charlotte Mineau, Leo White, Henry Bergman, Frank J. Coleman, Bud Jamison, James T. Kelley, Tom Nelson, John Rand, Wesley Ruggles, Tiny Sandford
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A Night in the Show ▶️
Charlie Chaplin In His New Job ▶️
In the Park ▶️
Work ▶️
His New Profession ▶️
Police ▶️
Shanghaied ▶️
The Count ▶️
The CURE ▶️
Kid Auto Races at Venice ▶️
Cruel, Cruel Love▶️
By the Sea▶️
His Regeneration▶️
A Woman▶️
Tango Tangle▶️
The Immigrant ▶️
Easy Street ▶️
The Knockout▶️
Between Showers▶️
The Rink▶️
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#TheAdventurer #CharlieChaplin #SilentFilm
The Adventurer is an American short comedy film made in 1917 written and directed by Charlie Chaplin, and is the last of the twelve films made under contract for the Mutual Film Corporation.
Charlie Chaplin plays an escaped convict from the state penitentiary who, clad in his striped prison uniform, is on the run from prison guards. He skillfully and athletically manages to elude a handful of guards at a rocky seashore, eventually making his escape by entering the water. Charlie opportunistically happens upon a man in a rowboat who is preparing for a swim. Charlie steals the man's swimsuit and heads to shore. He hears cries for help as a woman (Edna Purviance), her mother, and the woman's suitor (Eric Campbell) have all fallen into the water and are poor swimmers.
Charlie rescues them all, but carelessly allows the enormous suitor to fall back into the water while he is attempting to carry him on a stretcher. Charlie rescues him once again, but the angry suitor kicks Charlie senseless into the water. Charlie wakes up in a bedroom in the lavish home of the grateful girl and her mother. He is wearing striped pajamas and for a moment he believes he is back in prison. He identifies himself as a yachtsman and is given a set of evening clothes to wear to a party. Charlie's luck begins to run out, however. The girl's father turns out to be the judge who sentenced Charlie to a prison term. Charlie looks vaguely familiar to the judge, but he cannot quite place him.
The suitor, now especially miffed at Charlie because of the attention the girl is giving him, sees Charlie's photo in a newspaper as a prison escapee. Meanwhile, a house employee is feeding her beau a meal in the kitchen; the beau happens to be one of the guards who was chasing Charlie on the beach. The suitor summons the authorities who pursue Charlie on a merry chase up and down the two-story house where Charlie's acrobatic skills save him from arrest several times. Just as it looks like Charlie will finally be apprehended, he cleverly escapes again and the chase is renewed.
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Adults – of course – were conquered by Chaplin’s exquisite talent, but the character was soon adopted by a much younger audience. After all, the forlorn little guy with his funny walk and silly mustache is – first and foremost – a clown! He seems to have endless energy, ever seeking solutions to the endless obstacles life assails him with. His naïve clumsiness - combined with a heroic disposition - enables us to identify Charlie Chaplin with our own childhood… back when everything seemed possible.
Daily life seen through the eyes of Charlie Chaplin could never be dull! Every little mundane event is transformed into side-splitting hilarity. Acute clumsiness and naivety are certainly not helpful when it comes contending with an irritable boss, persuading the neighbor that Chaplin’s house is not the local garbage dump when trying to shake off a bunch of over-zealous cops and even going on a shopping expedition to the supermarket with the Kid.
However, our hero with the toothbrush mustache is always armed with his trademark cane and bowler hat and ready to face whatever life has to throw at him. Against all odds, Chaplin overcomes the trials and tribulations of daily life with humor, dignity and the spirit of adventure.
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© 2012 - MK2 TV - Method Animation - LP Animation - DQ Entertainment Limited - Fabrique d'Images
CHARLIE CHAPLIN - Les Enfantastiques
#charlieChaplin #LesEnfantastiques #MonsieurNô
« Tout le monde t’appelle Charlot, dans tes films tu nous fais le grand numéro ! »
Cette chanson est extraite de l’album, volume 8 de la chorale "Les Enfantastiques", composé de 19 chansons sur le thème des arts et des artistes interprétées par 200 élèves d'écoles élémentaires du Finistère sous la direction artistique de Monsieur Nô.
Ce sont les élèves de la classe de CM1-CM2 de Mme Lourdeau de l'école élémentaire Emile Cloarec de Morlaix et les élèves de CM1-CM2 de Mme Gourvil de l'école Yvonne Forgalvez de Locquirec (29) qui interprètent cette chanson. Ce projet a eu lieu à l’initiative et avec la collaboration de Mme Gwen Gourlaouen et M. Pierre Géréec, Conseillers Pédagogiques en Education Musicale du Finistère, coordonnateurs du projet « Les Arts à travers chants ».
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Tu as l'air d'un vagabond
Avec ton grand pantalon
Ta canne, ton chapeau melon
Drôle de bonhomme
Tout en noir et blanc
Haut comme trois pommes
Sur le grand écran.
Tes vieilles chaussures trouées
Veste courte et étriquée
La moustache bien taillée
Quand tu déambules
Te dandinant
Un peu ridicule.
Refrain :
Charlie Chaplin
Devant la caméra
Sacrée bobine
« Sans paroles » au cinéma
Charlie Chaplin
Tout l'monde t'appelle Charlot
Dans tes films tu nous fais l'grand numéro.
Malicieux et maladroit
Justicier et hors-la-loi
Même bagarreur quelquefois
Tell’ ment émouvant
« Mélancomique »
Burlesque, boul’versant.
Sous le feu des projecteurs
Dans « Le Kid », « Le Dictateur »
Tu provoques les rires, les pleurs
Merci l'artiste
Pour toujours en scène
Petit clown triste
De nos "Temps modernes".
Refrain :
Charlie Chaplin
Paroles et musique : Monsieur Nô
Editions Bizou Muzic
Charlie Chaplin is one of the most influential filmmakers to have ever lived, with a 75-year-career and more than 80 movies to his name. Those movies include what are widely recognized as some of the greatest films ever made, including "The Great Dictator," "Modern Times," and "City Lights."
While many people today know Chaplin's work, his face, or at least his mustache, they may not be as familiar with the real life of the man himself. Despite his success and penchant for slapstick, his life was no laughing matter -- especially after he got blacklisted from Hollywood and exiled from the United States.
If you only know him for his comedy, you may have never heard these tragic details about Charlie Chaplin.
#Celeb #CharlieChaplin #Actor
Rough childhood | 0:00
A mother's sorrows | 1:08
Odd jobs | 2:04
The tyrant | 3:04
Allegations | 4:15
Deeply dumb | 5:23
Paternity trouble | 6:17
The big flop | 7:20
Exile | 8:32
The death of Charlie Chaplin | 9:20
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