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Real footage of some of the world's strangest moments. Bizarre events that beg the question; Surely this couldn't have been planned?
1. Telekinesis
Two female students step off a crowded school bus in China, as one of the girls appears to be locked in a heavy argument with one of the boys. Things get heated as one of the boys approaches the girl, until her friend knocks him away using... well... telekinesis? The girl appears to be terrified by her own power.
2. Spoon Bending
Meet Dorothy Hagen, a seemingly normal 6 year old. Her father eagerly prompts her to repeat a party trick that she has learnt, in front of the camera. At first she struggles, but on her second attempt, breaks a fork for us all to see. This is no ordinary 6 year old.
3, Ghost Car
This internet phenomenon is known as the Ghost Car. The Garden City PD chase the suspect for a long while, as he mysteriously swerves all over the road like a man possessed. When all of a sudden the car vanishes right through a fence, leaving the squad car trapped and the officers perplexed.
4. 5th Dimension
On this Russian intersection things are apparently normal. Until a car comes out of nowhere, giving the driver milliseconds to react. Stopping just in time. It's as if the car came into existence right there in front of him, as it doesn't appear anywhere else in the video.
5. The Matrix
Again Russia, and another busy road. The driver of this articulated lorry suddenly swerves as a man appears suddenly, completely out of nowhere and completely out of place. He continues to wander off like a video game sprite continuing it's program. Where did this medical looking man come from? Could this be a glitch in the Matrix?
6. Halo
A pedestrian is idly filming a fare in what appears to be Tokyo. When a hooded female passes and there's a weird flash above her head. Weirder still, when a pedestrian cries out, the woman starts to run away. The person filming gives chase, clearly shocked by the situation, and is just able to film the woman disappear in a flash, whooshing away into the distance.
7. Vanishing
A man seems to be looking for someone in a crowded book store. But when he finds the man in the yellow coat, he completely disappears, leaving the crowd dumbfounded. The footage shows no signs of editing, with people moving behind and in front of the man. A clerk who missed the paranormal occurrence, simply picks up the dropped book and carries on with his day.
8. Flying
In this video YouTube user Jevgenij2000 was out walking his dog Tarzan in Russia. When he stumbled across this. A young girl apparently stuck in mid air, above her relaxed mother. In a second the dog barks, apparently spooking the two and they run off into the woods.
9. Flame Hands
A Chinese model is having a photoshoot in the street, when a man walks passed apparently testing out an incredible power. On noticing the camera he runs off suspiciously right into a bus. He then appears further away, continuing to marvel at his own super power.
Which superpower do you wish you had?
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It's easy to assume that superpowers are confined to the realms of cinema and graphic novels. However, the truth is, some individuals in our everyday world possess extraordinary abilities, often without understanding their origins. Today we'll show you 50 people with superpowers caught on camera.
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#shorts #humans #superhero #superpower #marvel #mind #achievement #amazing #sambucha
Ever wonder what it would be like to have superpowers? Well, you'll never know until you ask these 20 kids with real superhuman abilities! Check out this video and learn about their thoughts on how they use their powers.
Here is the list:
-Nong Youhui: Night vision
-Liam Hoekstra: Super metabolism
-Xin Xu: Super scream
-Aditya Kumar: Super Elasticity
-Erman Delic: Super Magnetism
-Yang Jinlong: Super strength
-Nandana Unnikrishnan: Telepathy
-Olivia Farnsworth: Immunity to Pain
-Ben Underwood: Echolocation
-Natasha Demkina: X-Ray Vision
-Ramses Sanguino: Telepathy
-Giuliano Stroe: Super strength
-Hasnaa Muslumani: Crying crystals
-Luis Esquivel: Calculator boy
-Bella Devyatkina: Polyglot girl
-Emma Tablate: Pyrokinesis
-Deepak Jangra: High Voltage Resistance
-Kajol Khan: Friend of Snakes
-Ryusei Imai: Fighting Skills
-Rudolph Ingram: Super speed
#superpowers #amazing #trendmax
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My sister was recording me sending a video message to my mom. While in the background something really crazy was happening.
Check it out for yourself. and follow @urielseries on instagram
Do you want to have a superpower? Of course, people still can't change their size, walk through walls, or teleport, since it contradicts the laws of physics. But there are some other superpowers that are available nowadays for the right price!
Fear projection 1:23
Iron suit 2:29
Spider-Man wall-climbing 3:22
Immunity to pain 4:07
Night vision 5:03
Ability to heal yourself 5:44
Super speed 6:27
Invisibility 7:23
Ability to fly 8:25
Being bulletproof 9:13
Super strength 10:09
#superpower #invisibility #superspeed
- Infrasound is basically acoustic waves of extremely low frequencies. These waves are below the human hearing threshold, so we can’t really hear them.
- Technicians at Japan's Tsukuba University have already created a special exoskeleton suit called the HAL 5. It’s 9 feet tall and weighs almost 90 pounds.
- Dr. Liming Dai from the University of Dayton and Dr. Zhong Lin Wang from the Georgia Institute of Technology invented a super “sticky” material! It has a nanotube spatula design that’s based on microscopic hairs. This means that you can cling to any surface of your choice.
- There's an absolutely real and very rare disease called Congenital Insensitivity to Pain. A person with this condition never experiences physical pain.
- Modern technology allows you to use advanced night vision devices. They used to be super expensive and only available for the military and special agencies.
- The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (aka DARPA) is developing an implant that hooks directly to a person's nervous system. It’ll treat depression without the help of medication, look after internal organs, and treat them when necessary.
- There's an exoskeleton that helps people run long distances faster than even the best sprinter.
- With the use of a particular material, Canadian scientists decided to alter light waves to pass through an object. This has already given a pretty impressive result but only if an object is illuminated with one color.
- One Australian company has already created the Martin Jetpack. This device can develop a speed of 45 miles per hour and travel at an altitude of 3,300 feet.
- One company in Columbia makes bulletproof clothing! This enterprise is already 25 years old and is now conquering the American market.
- Exoskeletons come in a wide variety these days. One of them, the FORTIS, can help workers by holding up to 36 pounds of tools.
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With so many superhero movies around, such as Spiderman or Hulk, we are used to seeing people with special abilities in fiction but did you know that there people that also have these type of abilities in real life also? Well its true, and your about to witness them. WIth this being said, prepare for 8 Real Life Human Superpowers! Lets....Begin!
The top 8 people with real superpowers caught on tape. Could it be that these superpowers are real? 8 videos of some real superheroes caught on camera demonstrating seemingly real life superpowers. Watch it and give us your opinion that what you think are these powers that such people possess are real or is it some kind of editing done by people.
Different videos shows different people with different powers that will blow your mind like it did to me but I don't know whether these are real or some kind of a prank. Tell us what you think and if you appreciate our work then please give a thumbs up on this video.
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These people possess abilities just like real-life superheroes!
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MUSIC CREDITS: "Everywhere we go" by SBtracks
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#MindWarehouse #IncredibleMoments #CaughtOnCamera #incrediblemoments
It's time to restore your faith in humanity and look at superheroes in real life - the most touching deeds of people and unexpected acts of kindness await in this selection!
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Superheroes in Real Life Caught On Camera !
In this video we’re going to show you some of the most beautiful and emotional moments when different people saved other people and became real heroes!
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Stan Lee Super humans featuring Guy Bavli - Master of the Mind - KINETIC MAN -
MOVING OBJECTS, Demonstration of telekinesis, power of the mind and other Mind Magic. Guy Bavli has never claimed to have super natural powers, yet the show created a voice over to make it look like he has claimed it. He has never claim to have real powers, he uses lots of techniques he learned and developed over many years to create what others call telekinesis. Bavli believes in Psychology, Physiology, Intuition the power of the subconscious, positive thinking, quantum physics and mind magic. All to entertain, inspire and motivate.
Learn more about Guy Bavli at
Find out how to develop real life superpowers by tapping into the incredible power of your subconscious mind.
You won't be able to lift tall buildings or fly, but you'll gain the ability to influence, persuade and convince other people, near-superhuman memory, and you'll be able to unleash the sleeping giant within you to improve all areas of your life and awaken genius-like abilities.
P.S. -- I hope you guys like the first part of this series because I really enjoyed creating it for you!
Hello everyone! It's understandable for you to lose faith in humanity with the craziness of our world. Yet the good that was never lost only hidden will build your faith again with today's compilation.
#CaughtOnCamera #IncredibleMoments #BingeWatch
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The only thing you can do to make the world a better place is improve yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this truth, but there are those who try their best. Today we’re here to show you the good deeds of these real life superheroes so you can come away with a renewed hope that humanity is not yet lost.
And you can show us an act of kindness right now by subscribing to our channel and clicking on the bell before we start!
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Believe it or not, there have been cases of teleportation that have shockied many people worldwide. And no, we arent talking about teleportations shown in movies, but the ones caught in real life. Like always, there are hoax videos out there on the internet but within this countdown, we only show the realest ones caught and recorded by humanity. So with this being said, sit back and prepare to be amazed because here are 5 Teleportations Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life! Lets.....Begin!
1. Unexplained Teleportation
What you are about to see is from naional TV News of China that shows an anonymous person randomly recording when all of a sudden a mysterious person comes out of complete nowhere with blue lights coming from the fists. The person recording looks in awe, runs after him and tries to record him but then the mysterious person teleports and flees. There are many opinions on this one. Whats yours? Here it is....
2. Teleporting From Destruction
You might have seen this next clip on my other Angels Caught on Camera and Spotted In Real Life video. The clip shows a superhuman person or an angel like sighting that saves a man on a motorbike from complete destruction by teleporting him a few meters away in less than a second, and then flees from the scene as quickly as possible. Here is the footage.
3. Teleporting Old Man In a Bike
The video you are about to see was uploaded in Russia in 2012 and even though there isnt much information about the video, you will clearly see that the old man in the bycicle is seen coming out of complete nowhere behind the other man´s back. Some people say that the byciclist was already behind the other man but you can clearly see that he wasnt. What do you think? Here it is....
4. Dog Teleportation
In the next small footage you are about to see shows a dog teleporting out of thin air that takes place in an illegal race on the high way. The expectators recording the video were surprise that the dog was alive as they dont know where the dog came from. Here it is.
5. Teleporting Car
The video you are about to see is one of the best evidences of real life teleportation or time travel. Inside the clip, a car is not seen coming from anywhere, but seconds later the car being shown stops as another one interfears appearing out of nowhere. Many say that this video is as legit as it seems but what do you think? Here it is
Music Background: Kevin MacLeod ~ Mourning Song :
1. Unexplained Teleportation:
2. Teleporting From Destruction:
3. Teleporting Old Man In a Bike:
4. Dog Teleportation:
5. Teleporting Car:
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