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Learning Objective: Relate the wavelength of light emitted or absorbed to transitions in the hydrogen atom.

Topics: emission spectrum, hydrogen

0 Views · 5 hours ago

Alicia Vikander and Kit Harington say they were already friendly before getting cast in their new wartime drama, 'Testament of Youth.' They say familiarity helps when doing chemistry reads. The film opens in limited release June 5. (June 4)

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Trick to Calculate Atomic Mass of first 20 Elements

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How to apply wastewater chemistry and technology to save time, reduce headaches and maintain compliance.

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This is chemistry & atoms 101 tutorial video on chemical symbols, elements, substances, and properties.

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About Atomic School:
Atomic School supports the teaching of Atomic Theory to primary school & science students .
We provide lesson plans, hands-on classroom resources, demonstration equipment, quizzes and a Teacher's Manual to primary school teachers. Animated videos that clearly explain the scientific ideas supports learning by both teachers and students. As a teacher, you don't have to look anywhere else to implement this program.

Our work has been verified by science education researchers at the University of Southern Queensland, Dr Jenny Donovan and Dr Carole Haeusler, who confirm that primary students are capable of learning much more complex scientific concepts than previously thought, and crucially, that they love it. Students run to class!

The program has been trialed in Australian schools as well as schools in the Philippines, Iran and India. It is conducted as holiday workshops at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, the Queensland Museum as well as the World Science Festival.
It has attracted wide media interest, including TV, radio and print, and the research data has been presented at prestigious American Education Research Association and Australian Science Education Research Association conferences.

Atomic Theory underlies all the other sciences- genetics, electronics, nanotechnology, engineering and astronomy- so an early understanding will set them up for a more successful learning sequence for all their science subjects, and support their mastery of mathematics as well. We also have extension programs that cover Biology, Physics and Astronomy to an equal depth.

About Ian Stuart (Email:
The founder of Atomic School, Ian Stuart, taught Chemistry and Physics for 25 years at senior levels before he realized that his 8-year old son, Tom, could understand Atomic Theory at a much deeper level than he expected. After visiting Tom's class at school, he discovered that his peers could also grasp the abstract scientific concepts, as well as apply it usefully to the real world.

Ian then developed a program to teach the advanced concepts of high school Chemistry, Physics and Biology to students 10 years younger than they normally would. He found that this engaged their interest in modern science early, and sustained it through to high school and beyond. It also sets them up for future success in their academic and career paths.

Ian has a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry from the University of Queensland and a Master's degree in Electrochemistry from the University of Melbourne.
Connect with Atomic School on social media:

Video transcript:

0 Views · 5 hours ago

Atoms are a lot like us - we call their relationships "bonds," and there are many different types. Each kind of atomic relationship requires a different type of energy, but they all do best when they settle into the lowest stress situation possible. The nature of the bond between atoms is related to the distance between them and, like people, it also depends on how positive or negative they are. Unlike human relationships, we can analyze exactly what makes chemical relationships work, and that's what this episode is all about.

If you are paying attention, you will learn that chemical bonds form in order to minimize the energy difference between two atoms or ions; that those chemical bonds may be covalent if atoms share electrons, and that covalent bonds can share those electrons evenly or unevenly; that bonds can also be ionic if the electrons are transferred instead of shared: and how to calculate the energy transferred in an ionic bond using Coulomb's Law.

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Table of Contents
Bonds Minimize Energy 01:38
Covalent Bonds 03:18
Ionic Bonds 05:37
Coulomb's Law 05:51

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0 Views · 5 hours ago

Here is a quick explanation of the basics of atoms, elements, compounds, and mixtures explained with legos!

Do you want a FREE downloadable resource that goes with this video? It has a note-taking guide for the video, along with a worksheet so you or your students can build their own lego compounds and mixtures.

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0 Views · 5 hours ago

Learning Objective: Use the periodic table to write electron configurations for ions.

Topics: electron configuration, cation, anion

0 Views · 5 hours ago

We need to talk about how to properly sanitize your pool water with either chlorine, bromine, salt, minerals, and even Baquacil (biguanide). It would be great if you could just fill your pool with water, not add any pool chemicals, and then never worry about the water becoming a gross breeding ground for nasty contaminants and organisms? Yeah, and maybe you could keep Nessie in your pool, too. But we don’t think she’s any good at pool chemistry. Let's dive in and keep the pool water sanitized correctly!

💦 Get 10% off our pool maintenance video course and ebook by using the promo code VIDEO:

⏰ Timestamps:
00:00​ - Introduction to How To Sanitize Your Water
01:22 - Chlorine Pros and Cons
02:14 - Chlorine Levels
02:34 - Salt Water Pools
02:52 - Chlorine Levels in Salt Water Pools
03:19 - Bromine Pros and Cons
04:06 - Bromine Levels
04:32 - Biguanide Pros and Cons
05:58 - Mineral System
07:01 - Salt Water Levels

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Swim University®️ has made swimming pool and hot tub care easy for more than 10 million homeowners. And each year, we continue to help more people with water chemistry, cleaning, and troubleshooting. We know taking care of a swimming pool or spa can be difficult. And it’s hard to find a trusted source of information. We get it! This is the reason we created Swim University®️.

😎 Visit our website for more in-depth information on swimming pool maintenance:

0 Views · 5 hours ago

Learning Objective: Learn about scientific notation, significant figures, and how to report and calculate scientific measurements to the correct digit of uncertainty.

Topics: rules for significant figures, leading zeros, trailing zeros, interior zeros, scientific notation

Showing 15 out of 16