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100 famous scientists and their inventions & discoveries. list is prepared by Jitendra Singh Sandhu @ChemistryNotesInfo. You can also buy our books and notebooks from Amazon to enrich your knowledge.
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Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/epi....sode/16467018?utm_so

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Discover the incredible journey of Marie Curie, the pioneering scientist who revolutionized our understanding of radioactivity. From winning Nobel Prizes to her groundbreaking discoveries of polonium and radium, her impact on science is unmatched. Join us as we delve into her extraordinary achievements and enduring legacy. #MarieCurie #ScienceTrailblazer #NobelPrizeWinner #Radioactivity #GroundbreakingDiscoveries #InspiringScientist #ScienceLegacy
#WomenEmpowerment #Feminism #WomenInScience #BreakingBarriers #GenderEquality #InspiringWomen #SciencePioneer #TrailblazingWomen #WomenInSTEM #CurieLegacy

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Famous Mathematicians Scientists and their Inventions & Contribution | Read article on these Famous Mathematics Scientists and their Inventions & Contribution on our website https://www.chemistrynotesinfo.....com/2023/12/27-Famo | Use calculators from https://www.chemistrynotesinfo.....com/search/label/Ca | Shop science inspired clothing and accessories at https://mysciencestore.com


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Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/epi....sode/18524511?utm_so

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Famous Physics Scientists and their Inventions - Learn more at https://www.chemistrynotesinfo.....com/2023/11/Famous- | short description of famous physicists and their key contributions:

Isaac Newton - Laws of motion, gravity, calculus.
Albert Einstein - Theory of relativity, photoelectric effect.
Galileo Galilei - Telescopic discoveries, laws of motion.
Niels Bohr - Bohr model of the atom, quantum theory.
Max Planck - Planck's constant, quantum mechanics.
Werner Heisenberg - Uncertainty principle, quantum mechanics.
James Clerk Maxwell - Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves.
Marie Curie - Radioactivity, radium, polonium.
Richard Feynman - Feynman diagrams, QED, quantum mechanics.
Erwin Schrödinger - Schrödinger equation, wave mechanics.
Enrico Fermi - Fermi-Dirac statistics, nuclear reactor.
Niels Bohr - Bohr model of the atom, quantum theory.
Max Planck - Planck's constant, quantum mechanics.
Werner Heisenberg - Uncertainty principle, quantum mechanics.
Erwin Schrödinger - Schrödinger equation, wave mechanics.
Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/epi....sode/17596841?utm_so

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0 Views · 9 hours ago

Before John Walker's invention of the friction match in 1826, creating fire was a laborious and often dangerous task. Tinderboxes, flint-and-steel, and other methods were unreliable and time-consuming. Walker, a chemist from Stockton-on-Tees, England, changed the world with his simple yet brilliant creation.
Walker's friction matches, initially called "Congreves", consisted of a small splint coated with a mixture of chemicals that ignited when struck against a rough surface. This seemingly simple invention had profound benefits: Convenience: Friction matches could be carried easily and ignited almost instantly, saving time and effort.Reliability: Unlike previous methods, friction matches worked consistently in different weather conditions.Safety: While still carrying a fire risk, matches were generally safer and easier to control than open flames or tinderboxes. Accessibility: Walker's invention made fire readily accessible to people of all classes, transforming daily life.

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