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Clipped from the super long shaders for beginners stream of two days ago!

Note that this is for two normalized vectors, it's a bit different if only one or none of them are normalized. Regardless - the case of two normalized vectors is very common in shaders!

For example, Lambert shading is the dot product of the light direction and the surface normal

Full video will be up soon!

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0 Views · 11 hours ago

Vectors are linearly independent example شرح بالعربي
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فيزياء عامة 101 تشابتر 3 المتجهات Physics 101 Chapter 3 Vectors
شرح فيزياء 101
إعداد و تقديم :: أحمد صبحي

تشابتر 3 :: المتجهات
الكميات المتجهة والقياسية
من كتاب سيروي

إنتاج الفيزياء للجميع A+ FYsics

Physics 101
Presented By :: Ahmed Subhi

Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett
Chapter 3 :: Vectors
Vector and Scalar Quantities
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0 Views · 11 hours ago

The fundamental concepts of span, linear combinations, linear dependence, and bases.
Help fund future projects: https://www.patreon.com/3blue1brown

Thanks to Elo Marie Viennot and Ambros Gleixner from HTW Berlin (www.htw-berlin.de) for contributing German translations and dubbing.

Thanks to these viewers for their contributions to translations
Arabic: @Cewkins, Hazem
Hebrew: Omer Tuchfeld
Spanish: Juan Carlos Largo
Vietnamese: @ngvutuan2811


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0 Views · 11 hours ago

Visual interpretation of the cross product and the dot product of two vectors.
My Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/EugeneK

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ما المقصود بمتجه الواحد ؟ و علاقته بتمثيل المتجه
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